what happened to yellowpaco

At 2am in the morning on twitter?! Yeah they're making a joke out of the serious issues by lumping dumb ones in there too. Fucking scumbag, now this sets a fucking precedent on the other fucking cases since this one was the first to get resolved and will make people not want to hear the other victims stories or judge with an impartial mind. Kayce (Luke Grimes) was also looking death in the face as gunmen burst into his office in what was an assassination attempt. You are happier about finding people getting sexually assaulted and abused by people in power, instead of wholesome chess shit? I remember him next to me, legs and arms wrapped around me. (CW: sexual assault, being drugged). He asked her on a date and she said yes, is he supposed to know she doesn't want to be there or that she has a boy friend. Here are some tips: another summary site https://medium.com/@survivors_streaming_industry/survivor-stories-of-harassment-assault-with-the-gaming-and-live-streaming-industry-11cb2fab96f0. This is fucking stupid.. When he was called-out for it, instead of using its content to further exonerate himself from every last claim, he deleted all traces of it--including DM's. He has responded. https://twitter.com/CryWasTaken/status/1274424042817236993?s=20. Oh thank god. In a time of victims coming forward it pains me to say that this one is lying. As you can see it's huge. She literally lied and said she didn't have a boyfriend. He has deleted his account. I heard that Omeed officiated their fake marriage ceremony. Someone reached out to one of my friends and said that I had raped them at a con. I have been contacted by some of the accusers and accused. Blinky was a pedophile who was exchanging nudes with a 14 year old girl. Damn, I thought that was Justin Wong the fighting game prodigy and got real confused for a second. Some of them real paper thin stories. Not saying thats what youre doing, just saying many will try to act in bad faith for various reasons. TobiWan accused of initiating sexual activity with no consent here. In case you want to update the main post, /u/DanGr_123, https://twitter.com/JustinWong/status/1274919311782473729. This is just setting a bad precedent for any social or work place related issue. just some incel behavior, nothing illegal from what i read. socially inept girls that don't understand social cues, the majority of false rape accusations now that or theyre mad and want to get him in trouble or they regretted the sex and told everyone but its too late so she says he raped her, And I don't mean to downplay the general movement. So in context of my previous post, itmejp, can you lift your Cease & Desist and threat to sue me so I can talk about my abuse and physical assault on twitch? "guys guys you wont BELIEVE what happened today". A Law has to be set about fake allegations proven as lies, trying to ruin someone's life and taking away from the real victims and truth should be punished almost as harshly as the innocent accused person would have been if the allegations were true. This is more than drama. I just want to start by saying I'm deeply saddened by the stories that are coming into light. maybe?) Thats an important detail! He also guilt trips her for not giving him a blowjob. I am shutting that lie down immediately. Maybe there is more to the story, I haven't kept up with him in years. Dont give clout chasers victim fakers even a second minute or moment to reinterpret your words. He says the person is lying. She goes into detail about the proof, which includes Discord screenshots. Dont jump to attack; dont jump to defense, investigate and draw a conclusion. I would imagine more and more will continue to come, and with it some larger and more prominent names coming down. It's someone's dream to be there with the pros, even to work with them just to bring some water for them. There I said it. Fucking based Asmongold, definitely watch his video if you haven't. He was grooming and inappropriately chatting with underage girls. Any single person that gets named is doomed. But his plans fell apart in June 2015, when he was struck by a car in L.A. while he was walking, says Wu. There is just too much toxicity and fake drama and other bullshit in the streaming world for there not to be false accusations sometimes. I want to see some bigger streamers like Poki / Lily come out with accusations, but they're not going to risk their multi-million careers if they aren't 100% sure and we get only vague messages like this. (old news but i will keep it). Removed some text and accusations due to character limit being 40k. Shouts. https://twitter.com/YourStarling/status/1274895119276101634?s=19. ZaneKyber accused of harassing underage girls for nudes here and here. OPGroup CEO Omeed Dariani accusations and his response. To those who are too scared, It's okay. You a dumb hoe. Its honestly hard to imagine tyler stopping the league grind long enough to screw his own gf. iAmSp00n accused of being an abuser here. I was contracted to do my first pro vanilla scene & he not only choked me unconscious twice, he bit me until blood. https://mobile.twitter.com/IAmSp00n/status/1274905297266413568. I felt like I was just missing my glasses and kept reading the story because I couldn't see any actual accusation of something heinous. None of us do. You don't really know who streamers are. Can you elaborate with the whole Scarra and Ryan Higa thing? the look he gave me was terrifying. The entire story is assumptions of Joe's intents, coupled with her thoughts and doubts at the time which she never expresses. It seems that anyone in media should be careful of groupies/fans because of the imbalanced relationship. They went from a bar, to a house party, to her hotel lobby, and then WitWix went home. I was grooming her, but never got the chance. For some reason I thought I remembered his parents leaving him a big house when they passed. Being greedy and making money through some unethical practices is much different than sexual assault, I think its pretty far fetched to assume anything based on that. When I finally got to his place we started cuddling. Its what Leo dicaprio uses, its what the twitch streamer uses too. I think its a sobering punch of realism though, these are all real people with real issues and they arent immune to what life is, ya know? Let me remember for the funny minecraft vids and good music at times. It'd be a joke regardless. Not even Reddit or Facebook get this bad, but on Twitter it's literally "with us or against us" just a complete echo chamber of blue check marks jerking each other off. Times where it's super easy to ruin someone's life by simple post in the webs. I know I seem willing here, but that doesn't make a difference as I was 15 when we first started talking. So Swifty and Angry Joe were just horny weirdos. Tw:R*pe In 2016 I was repeatedly r*ped by partnered Twitch streamer Phantomsfx. You have no more power over me anymore. The ProSyndicate one is almost certainly true. Warwitch accused of grooming a teen here. There may have been more posted after I commented, or I didn't realise the thread continued, but also named is HenryG (CSGO Caster) as well as Swifty (Oldschool WoW player). January 8, 2015. Gotta be fucked up to have your name next to the title "SEXUAL ASSAULT SCANDAL AGAINST MANY STREAMERS" even when you're coming out against it and distancing your brand from it. If one of us has no game our flirtation is received as creepy or bad and we hear no and that's it. Shit like this is just pathetic towards actual victims. But if she was lying to get attention a C&D would make sense right. TheBauske accused of rape here and here. She was due to return to Midway by the 7th March 1944, but she failed to return. Thing is, you shouldn't have to sue. His response here. They see drama, get all invested in it for a few weeks, then move onto the next thing. yellowpaco allegations here. I have stopped updating the list, me and the mods agreed that while the post helped spread awareness, it did more bad than good and it shouldn't belong to this subreddit with the new rules implemented. I'm a fan of witwix and I have been watching him since the early boshy days. Some people are truly sick and want to make everything about them. 90% of those "allegations" are. He cheated on his girlfriend with underaged girls. I know your memeing, but at the end of his stream today he called them a bunch of soyboys who use their fame to "get the juice", and commended them being called out. Thinking back I always shamed myself for this decision.. Itmejp not even surprised dudes always been a sleezeball. I'm surprised ProSyndicate even still has a career after the CSGO Gambling shit, https://twitter.com/Whiteboy7thst/status/1274810259673137152, I mean scamog is still getting sponsors because scummit defends him, those CSGO gambling memes were fucking hilarious. ChrisChanTO also accused of sexual misconduct by LilyPichu here. I don't think OP is doing anything but linking towards certain allegations, whether they be true or not, just what has been surfaced ever since the destiny stuff. I'm sick of being quiet. Liked. People also rush to defend their favourite streamers,players etc. that's a hard assumption. Yeah but they're girls and they felt bad so remember when that cosplayer got miz banned? Loads of accusations happen that are lies as well. But we need context, right? My abuser is a well-known Twitch Staff member who happens to also handle partners accounts including those of women. joe made her cry, which is what I think the entire thing is about, Another one https://twitter.com/kaitly_n/status/1274869902155931649?s=21. Tobuscus is proof of this. Fyi AJ is outraged about it on twitter and categorically denying. VoiceoverPete also has some allegations here, here and here. Regardless of this particular situation thinking people have to react a particular way is incredibly toxic. he held me down while i was crying and begging him to stop. He tried grooming his ex-wifes sister at age 15. How old is Yellowpaco? Because its too easy for then to clout chase victimhood and make up shit. Actually, I dont think I should be comparing them at all. And yet, if you look at the most recent tweet of the second accuser you posted somewhere above, people are legitimately trying to use him defending himself to prove he is guilty, you just can't make this shit up. Title and the way he writes it makes it seem as if all of them are accused of straight up rape. We need to clean up this industry! This is one of those awkward moments in the American legal system. He kept pressuring, and kept asking and eventually I gave in. Purple_HS says he will be taking legal action here. Everything is just allegations right now, so why state that he must be wrong? Unfortunately there are some bad people in this world that would even lie about something as devastating as this. LilyPichu has deleted her tweet. Hes a terrible person. 4 years. Maybe it's time more men adopted the Mike P rule since it seems like that's the only sure fire way of not having to fear getting accused of r@pe one day lol. there's also an ugly point people dont want to make which is that some people want to fuck their way to the top. If this person is making repeated false accusations, then this is the intended use. I, too, was sexually assaulted by a guy in the gaming industry. But like you said its not to downplay the seriousness of it, just odd that some of those get tossed into an actual list of "Fucked up sexual assault shit". Another person has accused him in this tweet, and his response to the second accusation here. Yeah I don't get that one at all, the only thing she actually accuses him of is being kind of a douchebag to his GFs and touching her without consent specifically in this instance here: and when I saw him I ran up to give him a hug. Sp00n has left indefinitely. The "evidence" reads as a sjw's wet dream vilifying someone for nothing. TwitLonger is in no way associated with Twitter, but they sure do a swell job over there, Crude or indecent language, including adult stories or "imagines", Sexual fetish content (e.g. Below is PixelateToris TwitterLong thread. They just know the original version and still think they were right. LilyPichu has deleted her tweet. Let's Play! It's been covering twitter for almost 2 days. Well, I've dabbled in the esports industry for a few years. Yeah, if anything it makes him look a bit like a awkward dude who thought there was something there. "He tried to rape me, I fought back, he gaslit me into thinking I overreacted and that this is normal in relationships". today Omeed has stepped down as CEO and over a dozen Twitch streamers and YouTubers including Dodger, CohhCarnage, Strippin, and Towelliee have now dropped OPG (Tweet). People won't read individual cases, they'll just paint all accused as "bad", and go after them. I dont really follow Twitch, but the moment I saw the title, I was anticipating Syndicate being here. Before Fame. They see drama, get all invested in it for a few weeks, then move onto the next thing. MyLawyerFriend accused of sexual harassment here. Chat it is just a meme? Mini Ladd accused of manipulating minors here and here. I told him directly to his face i did not want to have sex. That can have possible, serious ramifications for her if Witwix decides to lawyer up over it. I am back to updating this with more information and updated links. An interesting tweet from one of his teammates about him here. Links to more stories bellow the accusations. maybe?) Reject looking ass. Emmett Shear CEO of Twitch being called out. Yet there's still people doubting him in the comments. The incels think all women do is lie and the white knights 'believe all women' implictly like their gender somehow equivocates to truth. He chuckled, said "wow, the things that go on on our platform, can't really comment," & moved on. It cuts off but the question after was asking if Russ knew about this and Scott explained that he did. Yellowpaco. He seemed very standoffish and almost pretentious. Weird that she isn't calling for everyone to get law involved. I will not change some stories just to make you look good. I know plenty of Destiny streamers and content creators but Ive never heard of him. What boggles my mind, is that this shit is still happening. Innocent until proven guilty should be the default. Also sad that some people lie and falsely accuse others, ruining their career. saying that stuff to a 15 year old, Half of these are just guys awkwardly trying to get laid lmao, No sexual assault at all in some of them, just girls having bad dates. Yesterday cry made a video pretty much saying he cheated his gf with an underaged girl, so there's that. His apology here. Does Ryan Higa have a gf? Kaitly_n accused of grooming guys 10 years younger than her by AnneMunition here and here. We need to have that in the back of our mind - these are JUST ALLEGATIONS so far. These people are not accused of anything. Not long after I had heard from some girls that he would ask them to come over. If not, go back to "1". (like the Joe story reminds me a lot of the Aziz Ansari story). She tweets this afterward with the hashtag #BanBager. damn if those texts were after she should be sued for libel. If you read what she said in those messages she claims she does not want to waste time on stuff that doesn't return anything. foot fetish content), Links to external sites containing adult content, Content which advocates against an individual, group, or organization. His harassment of kaitly_n made a splash when it initially occurred, even his subreddit was disgusted, and then it quickly went away--JP's career was completely fine--I absolutely never understood it. He made a clarification on the video that it was only online, for what that matters. She doesn't even name a date.. Trying to end someone's career because they are weird, shouldn't happen. , What a total piece of human shit. And most of this presented with no evidence whatsoever while people's names are being dragged through the mud. I'd sue her for everything she has and garnish her salary for the next 10 years, or however long he would've gotten in prison. Yeah Ive never heard of this guy either. We believe you. The bitch literally said "Hehe you are funny" when Joe asked if she wants to shower with her. People forget shit up in here faster than goldfish. Isn't it a delicious irony that the guy that looks like the most degenerate, waste of a human life is one the kindest guy on the platform? Hes always been a class act in my book. ActaBunniFooFoo accused of sexual assault here. I've been following a streamer theazninvasionx for months. His apology here. This shit could literally ruin some peoples lives - and yet here we are - seeing many of you just fucking gobbling this shit up without even questioning anything. I've watched them for a long time and never even noticed something like that might be wrong. Fyi he has evidence against that too. And like you said, i wasn't sure if lsf would be the right place to talk about this. Theres a UK TV show about spies called Spooks. Most of it is like "I'm there with all his friends being left out" (????). The amount of stories that start with, he was acting like a real creep, and I was so uncomfortable.Followed bythey offered to pay for this, they invited me to that, they asked me to join them for this, they got me into thatso I figured, why not? Remember that this is a very delicate subject. Yeah, if JWong was somehow involved in this I was going to be really sad, he seems like such a good person at least from the outside. A lot of really gross shit, but then one or two women who were like "I went to his place after consenting to sending him nudes and he wanted to sex me and I said no and left. Sexual assault is "sexualcontact or behavior that occurs without explicit consent of the victim". SattelizerGames accused of rape here. JP's whole career is built upon surrounding himself with more talented people. Seriously, outside of Halloween, the only time I've even heard/seen spook was military fiction to describe spies or those super mysterious, black-suited intel guys. tldr - they operate at the same moral level as walmart. I am assuming he's still alive, somewhere out there. Knowing now what Jen Denise came out with and knowing Witwix's general attitude around that time period from watching him religiously for a couple years straight, I am inclined to believe these accusations unless he comes out with some very good evidence to the contrary. Lots of these no-name streamers have like less than 10 average viewers, so they have nothing to lose if they are wrong or have made a false accusation. I believe in transparency. In a time of victims coming forward it pains me to say that this one is lying. Cryaotic accused of grooming a minor here. They will argue any interaction where both people are 18+ consentinf adults but there is a age or power dynamic imbalance is creepy. Wow, this is disgusting. They don't care or know you exist. By David Gasper. Cro-magnon social mapping is going to be what kills us. What happened to Kevjumba? diegosaurs response here. The law works both ways. Angry Joe has responded here. It seems that getting him off twitter is the only goal here. LilyPichu update here. Many innocent people are going to have their career ruined due to people accusing them of being weird or a bad boyfriend and that being lumped together with allegations of actual assault. The cringe is almost physical. The amount of hate he got is still funny to this day. His house got broken into and when the cops were taking his statement they smelled weed in his closet or some shit and cost him with a few pounds. Someone reached out to one of my friends and said that I had raped them at a con. Very stilted, inhuman dialogue. In a statement on Twitter he wrote: "I was shocked and saddened by the false allegations made . So this is just some life advice. (updated), Spreadsheet by macaiyla here. Here's DarkTwinge saying you should support those that are suffering: https://twitter.com/DarkTwinge/status/1274758224307081216?s=20. Most of them giving us their totally unbiased story of the relationship and why the guy is literally Satan, while she only ever acted out of compassion and loyalty. I was manipulated by Miniladd, I was 16/17. He just followed Lupo wherever he went. Spreadsheet by JessyQuial here. Even now people still accuse him, it's crazy. Not rich. But then gets in a cab and 5 hours pass by (but apparently wasn't allowed to use her phone once) before arriving to the next place which apparently Joe grabs her phone/purse after they get in and can't find for several hours. His response here and here. "And then he started shaking me while yelling me and then pushed me. Sometimes when there are tons of accusations there is at least one in there that just seems like they have buyers remorse rather than anything bad happening to them. Much saying he cheated his gf with an underaged girl, so there 's still,. 'S whole career is built upon surrounding himself with more talented people of this particular situation thinking people have react! Vilifying someone for nothing just too much toxicity and fake drama and other bullshit the! The pros, even to work with them just to bring some water for them of wholesome chess?! Show about spies called Spooks some water for them ( CW: sexual,... If you have n't Syndicate being here grooming her, but that does n't a... The comments must be wrong even noticed something like that might be wrong, you should support those that suffering! What Leo dicaprio uses, its what the Twitch streamer Phantomsfx go back to `` what happened to yellowpaco... 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